Learn 'How I Turned My Client's Funnel From Breakeven To $41k Gross Profit In Just 1 Month...

Learn 'How I Turned My Client's Funnel From Breakeven To

$41k Gross Profit

In Just 1 Month...

...without changing their ads or spending thousands of dollars to create a new funnel.'

Barely Breakeven šŸ˜„

$41k Gross Profit šŸ¤‘

How much money did you fork out only to have your ads flop? šŸ¤”
Probably more than you wanted to.

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

You launched an offer that you thought would crush...

A lot of time, effort, and money was put into this...

And it was finally time to launch.

You turned the ads on...

Traffic started hitting your funnel...

And now it was a waiting game until your first purchase.

Except the first purchase didn't come as soon as you wanted to.

You're losing money at this point...

But you're still hopeful that changing the ads will help...

Even though your ad stats look fine.

You hoped that the changes would miraculously bring in more sales...

And nothing happens. šŸ™ƒ

Deep down you know that your ads are not the problem...

āš ļø It's your funnel āš ļø

But you don't even know where to begin making changes...

So you delayed making changes to your funnel until now.

There's no other option at this point because you're losing money...

And you're desperate to at least break even...

So, you decide to finally dig into the funnel.

You log into your ClickFunnels account...

Click on your funnel...

And realize you have no idea what to change or where to begin.

With ads, you have dataā€¦

But with funnels, youā€™re limited to page views.

You probably have questions like:

šŸ˜• What should I change?

šŸ˜” Why is it not converting?

šŸ˜“ Where do I even start?

You tried changing the headline...

You tried changing entire sections...

You added testimonials in a different part of the funnel...

And nothing converted.

The worst part?

You donā€™t even know what's wrong with the funnel.

It's not your fault.

Most guruā€™s teach you paid traffic and how to optimize ads.

What they don't teach is how to optimize your backend or even where to start.

Youā€™re not alone.

See, the majority of marketers donā€™t even know where to start.

Thatā€™s because they werenā€™t taught how to implement tracking softwares specifically for landing pages...

And it's actually not hard...

Have you set up a FB pixel before?

Implementing a landing page tracking software is the exact same setupā€¦

But easier!

No domain verificationā€¦

No ID verificationā€¦


All you have to do is install a codeā€¦

Then start running traffic to the page.

Youā€™ll instantly get stats, heatmaps, and screen recordings to help you determine whatā€™s wrong with your funnel.

Because so many people struggle with getting their funnel to convert...

Iā€™ve created a course to show you step by step how to set up, analyze, and improve your current funnel in less than 60 minutes.

Itā€™s as simple as...

šŸ‘‰ Integrating the pixel into your funnel...

šŸ‘‰ Running traffic to get data

šŸ‘‰ Then finding the drop-off points in your funnel.

You can absolutely do this yourselfā€¦

Or you can pay me $27 to teach you in less than 60 minutes.

On top of thatā€¦

Iā€™ll also teach you:

šŸ§Ŗ How to create winning split tests

ā³ What to change in your funnel to have the biggest impact in the least amount of time

šŸ“ˆ What metrics you should look at in order to determine what isnā€™t resonating with your audience

āŒ How to eliminate drop off points in your funnel

šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» And how to use google sheets to optimize your overall funnel conversions

Ready to finally have a converting funnel you can scale?
Fill Out Your Information Below To Enroll šŸ‘‡
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